Branding and Academia
The company chooses to invest its resources, both tangible and intangible, in future long-term projects, such as the staff training and, in particular, will be carried forward a Ph.D. course, highly qualifying for one of the employees. The Marketing Manager of Branding Srl, Arch. Carla Bulone, has already started last February, a Ph.D. Executive Course at the Politecnico di Milano, witch means the stipulation of a contract in order to support scientific development both in academia and the company.
The resources put in place will support the Ph.D. project with the maximum commitment to research new technologies and solutions, create value and collaboration between companies and universities, promote scientific dissemination, share the results with and for the community and increase business growth.
The research activities aim to fit into the experimentation panorama to support current and emerging theoretical studies, proposing alternative solutions that solve specific needs, focusing on the technological and innovative aspects of architecture.
The right time to create new solutions does not exist. That moment is now! Without research and experimentation, there is no progress and future.
Branding Management