Mission Statement
We believe that business growth should develop in harmony with the planet and not a price to pay. Branding wants to change the way of doing business, and our project is ambitious. We want to bring the most distinctive cultures of the world, to create sustainable growth that improves the quality of life. Branding creates companies' acquisitions and signs of strategic alliances. We invest in innovation, research, and development; we do it creating a worldwide laboratory of experts. Branding is a home where philosophy meets technology, science, mathematics, marketing, and business come together. We fostered academics from universities and companies whose collective aim is sustainable growth. We do it, with humility and respect for the others, with moral correctness, good manners, wisdom, and loyalty.
Growing C02-neutrally by 2025.
Improve across the board sustainability performance among all companies.
Happy employees who make dreams come true for themselves and for the others.
Women in Leadership Positions.
Financial goals:
Increase Sales Volume.
Increase EBITDA.
Achieve a Return on Capital Employed (ROCE).
Increase financial equity and value for our shareholders.
Your goals are ours, Branding wants to be present and involved in all global changes, to be protagonists together.
“Behind every successful business there is someone who has made a courageous decision.”

Discover the companies
Our customers are all different companies in terms of objectives, structure, sales network, and resources. We take care of them equally, with professionalism and a high level of assistance.
Letter from Founder
“Sustainability is the balance that everyone must achieve as a lifestyle. Branding comes from humble thought, to bring about significant changes. To unite all companies, whose objective is a change that leads to sharing success. Acquire knowledge to increase results and to share the benefit to others. Ours is a culture of inclusion, where we seek knowledge for the common good. The real success is setting up companies that help the community. Our role is to create business opportunities for the respect of the environment. The exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development, and institutional change are all in harmony to increase the current potential to satisfy human needs. Branding will facilitate M&A, create new companies, develop large or small companies. Sustainability for Branding is undoubtedly the completeness of a socio-ecological process characterized by the search for a common ideal. Behind these words, there is the work of men and women, of various countries, managers, and experts who will deal with products and services. It is my great honor to establish a new corporate culture, to serve others, and to improve our planet.
Joseph Anthony Miceli”